2022 Conversational Analytics Trends Survey Report

Conversational Analytics

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Macrosoft is a leading provider of professional technical services (design, implementation, tech support) for Call Center Conversational Analytics technology in partnership with CallMiner, a leading software vendor in this native-AI industry.

Being the expert in this field, Macrosoft conducted the second annual State of Call Center Conversational Analytics Practices in US survey during the first two weeks of April 2022 using SurveyMonkey with 19 multiple-choice questions. A total of 285 individuals from more than 179 identified companies participated in the survey. 82% of the participants completed the entire survey.

We have focused on Conversational Analytics as this is the broadest category, defined as creating digital data from human conversation, be it written or spoken, by using Natural Language Processing (NLP) which thereby enables computers to understand what is being said and applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) to extract and organize the information. Within Conversational Analytics you will find both “Speech Analytics” which is “what was said” and “Voice Analytics” which is focused on “how it was said”.

Based on the broad participation, and low dropout rate, it is believed that the results are highly accurate and represent a significant portion of the industry. Macrosoft plans to conduct this survey on an annual basis, which will bring new context to the responses as we see how the survey responses evolve over time.

Key Survey Findings:

  • As expected, the vast majority (96%) of respondents indicate their Call Centers do record conversations.
  • Given the fact that almost 80% of respondents indicate their agents follow scripts, that brings forward the need for Conversational Analytics to monitor and assess agents’ compliance.
    • 58% indicate their agents follow full scripts.
    • This increases to 78% when we add responses where agents follow some scripted elements.
    • 19% of respondents indicate their agents have limited talking points but not a script.
    • And 3% engage in completely freeform non-scripted conversations.
  • Utilizing a Conversational Analytics platform allows call coverage to scale to 100% of calls, and perhaps as importantly, the scoring process used in the platform will be applied consistently across all customer calls, eliminating reviewer bias concerns.
    • 64% of respondents indicate their company’s Call Center has a formal and complete scorecard used to review and track the quality of agent-recorded conversations.
    • 27% indicate their company has scorecard guidelines that provide much the same information but in a more informal way.
    • 8% indicate their Call Centers do not have any defined process for scoring customer calls.
  • What is the biggest issue you have with agents?
    • We listed 10 commonly discussed issues contact centers face with respect to their agents. The top priority issue is ‘recruiting of new agents, followed by agent attrition and customer satisfaction.
    • A surprising high response was garnered by the issue of “too many redundant tools/systems”. 20% of respondents consider it to be among the biggest issues, and another 27% consider it to be an issue of some importance.
  • Only 27% of respondents indicate their company’s Call Centers have automation tools, while 60% indicate they do not.
  • Do you use recordings for R&D purposes?
    • 88% of respondents indicate their companies use the customer conversation recordings to derive R&D findings. That is, companies are using these customer conversations to identify ways to make their product or service better, more efficient, and user-friendly, to add new features and functionality to the product or service.

Macrosoft is available to provide an industry expert who can present these results as requested to industry user groups.

Conversational Analytics

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Direct Questions about this survey and request for speaking engagements to.

John Kullmann
Chief Operating Officer
Macrosoft, Inc