The CallMiner Eureka team created an incredible three-day immersive learning experience #LISTEN2019 where we heard case studies, newly developed functionality and a detailed roadmap ahead for their software suite. If that was all that happened at the conference, it would have been a huge success. But CallMiner’s leadership invested time to bring in two world-class business speakers to share wisdom that was tangential to the software product.
On the first full day we were treated to Ross Bernstein, who I was lucky enough to sit with at lunch after his talk. Ross is an inspirational speaker and best-selling author of over 50 books. He explores what is contained within the DNA of great Champions. He covered lots of ground in his presentation, but I returned after the conference with “Five Traits that Build Momentum” in your business.
Five Traits that Build Momentum
- Passion – Do what you love and do it with all you heart and energy.
- Unselfish – Make sure others around you succeed.
- Build Trust – Be honest and straight forward in all your business dealings.
- Consistency – Get out and do what needs to be done day in and day out.
- Respect – Treat all those who surround you with the dignity they deserve.
The second day, we were fortunate to be with Micah Solomon, author of “Ignore Your Customers (And They Will Go Away)”. Micah was struggling with a bad cold. He was able to fight through his illness with the help of a secret remedy he was provided from Billy Joel. (an inside joke to those who attended) Micah did not want to stop at just five so he provided “Six Principals for Serving Customers”.
Six Principals for Serving Customers
- Today’s customers are enemies of stupid. Keep everything you do fresh and up to date.
- Beware of the cliff of dissatisfaction. You may be doing well today, but one miss step and you can instantly lose your customers forever.
- Customers sometime want humans out of the way. Know when to use technology to enable clients to serve themselves.
- Great customer experience depends on breathing space. Give your clients time and space to think and act on their own.
- Embrace change or be doomed. Everyday listen and learn from the voice of your customer.
- Customers are the center of their own universe. Ensure your clients know they are the center of your universe.
Yes, I am retuning to Macrosoft office much more knowledgeable about the CallMiner software platform. In addition, due to their approach to running a successful event, I am also retuning with guidelines how to better service my clients.
ByAllen Shapiro | Published on November 8th, 2019 | Last updated on August 28th, 2023 | CallMiner