Everyone’s heard a joke that begins with two “______” walk into a bar, so, here is my attempt at a testers- Testing joke
Two Quality Assurance Engineers Walk into a bar… Run into a bar…Fly into a bar… Jump into a bar… Hop into a bar… Sprint into a bar… And so on.
This joke might not get me onto a talent show but it illustrates an important point. While doing testing you need to account for every possible variation.
Testing can be the biggest hurdle in any organization’s journey towards continuous delivery. Most companies fail to cycle through testing, acceptance
Some people think it is boring and only development is cool. Nothing could be further from the truth. Test engineers get to figure out how to break things and what’s more fun than that. A high degree of creativity
Macrosoft teams of testers are great at ensuring the functionality of the system performs as anticipated. But they are also generally fun-loving bunch who like to play with toys until they break.
When engaging the team to do testing make sure you have a creative innovative bunch in the how to think out-of-the-box. Contact Macrosoft to learn more about how our testers ensure excellent results for our clients.
ByEd Sable | Published on November 18th, 2015 | Last updated on February 12th, 2021 | New Technology and Trends, Staffing Services